Saturday, October 16, 2010

Sights from a Saturday-morning Stroll

Pink Crocs are always in fashion. . . . . YELLOW hand-painted trucks and T-shirts as well! . . . . Mabel, Mabel, are you able? You never know what these pallet-parts might be used for or who might be able to use them! Waste not! Want not!!

Sleeping like a rock . . .

Some people sleep later than others. Some people sleep like a rock. And, some people complain even though they have a mattress to sleep on!

Our Vegetable and Flower Garden

Yes, Eric, we have parsley growing in our garden! We also have a struggling bell pepper and two tomato plants, which we hope, hope, hope will produce! The man you see at the other end of the backyard garden isn't the gardener--he's the maintenance man.