Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Visiting teaching in Yam Piece, Stock Farm, etc.

Wednesday, at high noon, Sister Cooper and Sister Hadlock walked all the way to the top of a steep, very steep, hillside to visit three of four sisters that reside in Yam Piece, Stock Farm and Glassgo. Sister Hadlock hoped when we reached this point that it was half-way. "No, not yet!" Roseau Relief Society "leader," Christabel Cooper, needed a cool drink of water and a little rest along the way.
Beverly Caffe (Coffee) was the third of four sisters visited Wednesday under a very hot and humid midday sun! She lives in this house, that is still under construction, with her husband and three sons. She was formerly employed as a braider of tourists' hair but is currently unemployed. Her husband is a "joiner" (cabinet/furniture maker). The house will be four stories high when/if it is completed. It will probably remain forever behind the typical zinc fence.
Twelve-year-old Emmanuel Caffe, the youngest of two Caffe sons, proudly posed in his graduation cap, which he would wear with his uniform at his school's graduation ceremony later Wednesday afternoon.

Sea-wall scenes, Caribbean sunrise, water crafts

It must be more fun to be a watcher than a fisher! Even simple things like a barge, a fishing boat and a dock are beautiful at sunrise.
. . . and way off to the left on the horizon a large freighter coming into port.
We do not know what sort of water craft this might be??? We do know it is not "built tight like unto a dish."

Pottersville emancipation commemoration parade???

Before the Parade - - - passes by!We think this is some sort of representation of things past--long past. We also think it is part of Pottersville's commemoration of emancipation but do not know for sure. All we're sure of is the little parade marched past our house Sunday afternoon, 27 June 2010.
What the costumes represent we do not know. All we know is we're grateful it was not us wearing all those hot plastic and rag costumes!