In 'n around Heliconia House, Plot 21, Half Moon Heights, St Kitts
This is Heliconia House as you can see above. Heliconia is pleasing to the eye. This one ......
........... is about the same shade of red as the Toyota Corolla we drive. We live in the downstairs "flat." To the left of the Corolla is our bedroom window that overlooks the sea.
The color of some Helconia leaves may resemble the color of the house next door to Plot 21. Or, maybe not, it's pretty bright!
Nothing about a Helconia is blue but perhaps you might like to see what we see from our bedroom window.........
.............. or the veranda...............
............ or the driveway where coconuts are in various stages of development.
Or, perhaps you'd be interested in seeing cashew nuts, which Kittians consider the throw-away part of "monkey cherries." They picked these from a tree in the meeting house yard, ............
...... which is behind and out of sight from this side view of the St. Kitts Branch in Basseterre.
Inside the building Young Women of the St. Kitts Branch are in the process of making Family Home Evening assignment boards Tuesday evenings. Some of the Young Men like to participate as well. Last week there were twice as many of each--YW and YM, that is! Angela Brauchie, a vet student, and her husband Shane, are blessings for the St. Kitts Branch! It will be a great loss when Angela finishes school in August and they return to Wyoming, or wherever they decide to go, and Shane won't be available to teach early-morning seminary or shepherd the Young Men!
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